412 UFB Towns and Cities are now complete

The UFB roll out was completed in December 2022, bringing high-speed fibre broadband to 412 towns and cities. Uptake is currently at 75 percent of UFB premises passed and it continues to increase.

The following list shows the 412 cities and towns completed under the UFB programme.

Coverage information for the UFB programme is also available on the National Broadband Map.

What if I can’t get fibre?

Fibre is a service best suited to higher density areas and is less cost-effective when there are long leads between properties, or long driveways. Fibre areas were determined by commercial negotiations, and population size and density were key considerations in determining the towns and areas that were included in the UFB programme.

The UFB programme was allocated a set amount of funding and CIP sought to gain the maximum coverage with this.

However, CIP has contracted to provide enhanced broadband coverage under the Rural Broadband Programme to approximately 84,000 households and businesses not able to access a fibre connection.

For more information on rural coverage please click here
