Law to help infrastructure financing passes

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  Hon Phil Twyford 24 Jul 2020 PĀNUI PĀPĀHO Media Statement Law to help infrastructure financing passes The Government has passed legislation establishing a new tool to enable infrastructure for housing and urban development. Urban Development Minister Phil Twyford says the Infrastructure Funding and Financing Act is a breakthrough for housing developments in high-growth areas.…
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Digital connectivity boost for urban marae

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  Hon Kris Faafoi Hon Shane Jones 20 May 2020 PĀNUI PĀPĀHO Media Statement Digital connectivity boost for urban marae A programme to connect marae around the country to the internet has received $1.4 million to expand to include urban marae in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch, Broadcasting, Communications and Digital Media Minister Kris Faafoi and…
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Major investment in infrastructure projects

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  Hon Shane Jones 14 May 2020 PĀNUI PĀPĀHO Media Statement Major investment in infrastructure projects The COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund has set aside $3 billion to fund infrastructure projects across the country. This is in addition to the Government’s $12b New Zealand Upgrade Programme and Provincial Growth Fund infrastructure investments. Budget 2020 and…
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Rural broadband upgrade to boost COVID-19 recovery in remote communities

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  Hon Kris Faafoi Hon Shane Jones 29 April 2020 PĀNUI PĀPĀHO Media Statement Rural broadband upgrade to boost COVID-19 recovery in remote communities New investment in rural network capacity announced today will help lift the development and wellbeing of isolated communities as New Zealand’s economy recovers from COVID-19, Broadcasting, Communications and Digital Media Minister…
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Government seeks infrastructure projects

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  Hon Shane Jones 1 April 2020 PĀNUI PĀPĀHO Media Statement Government seeks infrastructure projects The Government has tasked a group of industry leaders to seek out infrastructure projects that are ready to start as soon as the construction industry returns to normal to reduce the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Economic Development Minister…
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Demand for UFB gigabit connections soars

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The latest Quarterly Connectivity Update to December 2019 shows a large increase in gigabit services on the Ultra-fast Broadband (UFB) network, with more than 110,000 gigabit connections at the end of the quarter. There has been a sizable increase of over 20,000 connections to the gigabit service in the last quarter, representing just under 50%…
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Milford gets connected with NZ Upgrade

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  Hon Shane Jones 28 February 2020 PĀNUI PĀPĀHO Media Statement Milford gets connected with NZ Upgrade Digital and air connectivity in Fiordland are getting a big boost, Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones has announced. As part of the $12 billion New Zealand Upgrade Programme announced in January, $300 million was allocated for regional…
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New Crown Infrastructure Partners Chair Announced

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  Rt Hon Winston Peters Minister for State Owned Enterprises Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for State Owned Enterprises Hon Grant Robertson Minister of Finance 2 March 2020 PĀNUI PĀPĀHO Media Statement New Crown Infrastructure Partners Chair Announced Minister for State Owned Enterprises Rt Hon Winston Peters and Minister of Finance Hon Grant Robertson, have…
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NZ a top 10 connected nation with stage one of ultra-fast broadband roll-out completed

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  Hon Kris Faafoi Minister for Broadcasting, Communications and Digital Media 24 November 2019 PĀNUI PĀPĀHO Media Statement NZ a top 10 connected nation with stage one of ultra-fast broadband roll-out completed More New Zealanders now have better internet access with the Government delivering the first phase of roll-out of its Ultra-Fast Broadband programme, Minister…
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Nearly three quarters of Rolleston connected to UFB

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  Hon Kris Faafoi Minister for Broadcasting, Communications and Digital Media 8 November 2019 PĀNUI PĀPĀHO Media Statement Nearly three quarters of Rolleston connected to UFB The latest Quarterly Connectivity Report shows that more and more New Zealanders are moving to Ultra-fast Broadband (UFB), with Rolleston having the highest uptake at 74 per cent, as…
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