656 Marae are now connected to broadband;
647 with digital technology

Marae digital connectivity programme

The marae digital connectivity programme enables marae to receive grant-funded broadband connections and associated hardware that will support whānau and hapū to undertake economic activity and enhance their digital capabilities.

The marae digital connectivity programme provides the fastest available broadband connection to marae across Aotearoa. The digital hardware that is installed allows for video conferencing for virtual hui and remote communications, and marae are provided with the technical support they need in order to utilise these services.

Marae report extensive use of the connectivity including digital hui, digital kapa haka classes, hapū members using the marae as a ‘business hub’, tamariki doing digital homework and hapū members using the Wi-Fi for everyday activities such as Work and Income appointments, banking, shopping, school assessments and submitting job applications.

Te Puni Kōkiri is managing the application process, as well as the engagement with marae whānau and hapū, and Kānoa has oversight.


Te Puni Kōkiri is managing the application process and engagement with marae communities and hapū, as well as general communication on the marae digital connectivity programme.

Spark is responsible for installing broadband and essential hardware and the ongoing service management of the connected marae for the marae digital connectivity programme.

Kānoa – Regional Economic Development & Investment Unit is responsible for policy and fund management for the marae digital connectivity programme.

Fire and Emergency New Zealand is the fire safety advisor and is also responsible for fire sensor installations in marae for the marae digital connectivity programme.

WIRELESS INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS (WISPs) AND SATELLITE PROVIDERS Regional WISPs and other satellite providers are responsible for installing broadband in marae. CIP is working with the following for this programme of work: Gisborne Net, Gravity, AoNet Broadband, Lightwire, Farmside, Uber, Inspire Net, Primo, Wifi Connect and Evolution Networks.
